Final Consonants
If you frequently omit the (sometimes multiple!) consonants ending English words:
Select a short TED talk or podcast from Scientific American's "Science, Quickly" that you find interesting.
Under the TED talk video, click the "Read Transcript" button so you can copy and paste into a Microsoft Word or other document the part of the transcript text you find interesting.
Watch the TED talk at least twice, inserting "/" where the speaker makes a short pause and inserting "//" where the speaker makes a long pause. (Use pencil if you do this with a printed transcript, so you can easily fix mistakes!)
Read through the talk, highlighting all consonant sounds like in the example below:
When you see / a diagram like this, / I don't want you to be afraid. I want you to be excited. I want you to be relieved. / Because simple answers may emerge. / We're discovering in nature that / simplicity often lies / on the other side of complexity. So for any problem, the more you can zoom out / and embrace complexity, the better chance you have / of zooming in / on the simple details / that matter most. (Eric Berlow: "Simplifying Complexity," TED)