
Feedback Master

😊😍🤩🤗     😉😝😂     🤔🤯😮🤨     🤭😅😕☹️😭😳  ~ 



Contextualizing your topic

Moving from general to specific

Thesis Statement/Structure


Preview of main points

One preview point mistake = 8, two mistakes = 7, three mistakes = 6


Body Paragraphs

    • Academic writing rarely includes one-sentence paragraphs. Could this sentence logically be combined with either the previous or following paragraph?/Why not combine your currently three "Suggestions" paragraphs into one? 🤔


Transition/Connecting/Signal words
  • Because your sentence beginning with “the possibility of absolute authority” explains or illustrates your previous sentence beginning with “This possibility of authority,” these sentences should actually be connected with a colon, not a period.  (See https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/colon.html) 
  • Because the part of this sentence beginning with ”A study” explains or illustrates the earlier part of this sentence that says “First, working fully remotely can help people have more rest time,” these two parts of this sentence should actually be connected with a colon, not a comma. (See https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/colon.html) 
Punctuating coordinate vs. subordinate clausesMiscellaneous

One central point supporting thesis


T-Topic sentence

E-Evidence from your sources

A-Your analysis of how the evidence from your sources relates to your topic

(C)-Concluding/summarizing sentence and/or connection to your next topic sentence (optional)

Topic Sentence


ORDER of information
MISSING information
INCORRECT information

Integrating Sources

EllipsesBracketsQuotation marks
  • The Purdue OWL website provides the following guidance for how to punctuate a quotation inside your quotation: “Use single quotation marks to enclose quotes within another quotation.” (So this should be “‘I’m better rested. I can devote more time to my work,’ she said. ‘Just saving the time and money of commuting, I really like this personally.’”) 
Reporting language

Documenting Sources

In-Text Citations

Overall in-text citation formatting
Narrative In-Text CitationsPeriods/Spacing with ParaphrasesPeriods/Spacing with QuotationsAuthorPublication dateParagraph/page numberDiscrepancies between in-text citations and reference list
Citing Secondary SourcesMiscellaneous

Reference List

Journal articlesAuthorPublication DateTitlesArticle TitleJournal Title (+ Volume & Issue Numbers)Page numbersDOI/URLWeb pagesAuthorPublication DateTitleSiteURLReportsBooksNewspapersVideosTranslationsSecondary Sources

Mismatched in-text/reference citations


Reviews the essay's main ideas

Reminds readers of topic's significance

Future implications and/or actions

Moves logically from specific to general


Academic Tone

  • Except for a couple of (highlighted) instances of more spoken vs. written academic forms, your use of academic tone in this paper is FANTASTIC 😊 
  • Hmmmm. . . .this is not a complete sentence, and though a “heading”/summary statement like this might appear at the beginning of bullet points, etc., in journalistic writing, it doesn’t match academic writing style. (The inclusion of ChatGPT-style list items (as well as several other aspects of your essay) STRONGLY suggests overuse of AI 😭

(1 error = 0 points off, 2 errors = after the first error, one point per error)

Minimizing first- or second-person pronouns
Informal phrasing
Emotional phrasing
Vague phrasingHedging


General Formatting
Double-spacingParagraph Indentation and AlignmentTitle Page
Assignment Name
Page numbersHeadingsDocument Type
Default language setting errors

Academic Integrity

Report on External Tools


Fabrication of Sources

Apparent overuse of ChatGPT/DeepL


Parallelism (Monica, need to find good resource to link explaining parallelism)

Clarity of Language

Word choice
Googling to determine standard phrasingCompare multiple options
Search one option
Abbreviation needs clarification
Phrasing needs clarification
  • Faculty and staff needs? (“Faculty and staff” is your most recent plural noun, so although logically, I know you’re not referring to them, grammatically it looks like you ARE referring to “faculty and staff”. . . )
  • Google this phrase (in quotation marks) to figure out what word consistently precedes it (Can you figure out WHY this is the case?)
  • X as indicated in Science Research Writing, pp. 50-55, singular countable nouns in English need a determiner (e.g., the articles "a" or "an" or "the"). Check in COCA -- is the English word "reputation" a singular, countable noun? Which article, therefore, should precede it?
  • X, as indicated in Science Research Writing, pp. 50-55, singular countable nouns in English need a determiner (e.g., the articles "a" or "an" or "the"). Check in COCA -- is the English word "economy" a singular, countable noun? Do you think it would therefore be better for you to change “economy” to its plural form (so no article is required) or to insert an article here?
    •  Do you mean possible “social causes”? If yes, then is “the” the right article to use here?
  • X, as you'll see if you ask ChatGPT to copyedit this sentence, the noun phrase “modern industrial development” premodifies your singular noun “process,” making it clear to readers exactly WHICH process you’re talking about—See section 2b of this excellent, easy-to-understand article from the University of Toronto on figuring out when you need “the” and when you don’t: https://advice.writing.utoronto.ca/english-language/definite-article/  😉 
    • Check this phrasing in Google by searching it (within quotation marks)—is it usually preceded by “the” or not? (Can you figure out why? [Hint: Is “human” here DEFINING whose health you’re talking about or just providing additional DESCRIPTION] 
  • X, as you'll see if you ask ChatGPT to copyedit this sentence, the “of” phrase here postmodifies the noun “proceedings,” making clear to readers which SPECIFIC “proceedings” you’re talking about and therefore requiring the definite article “the” — See section 2b of this excellent, easy-to-understand article from the University of Toronto on figuring out when you need “the” and when you don’t: https://advice.writing.utoronto.ca/english-language/definite-article/ 😉 
    • X, your essential/restrictive appositive, “1 Terabyte,” postmodifies your noun “size,” making it definite and therefore requiring the definite article “the” — See section 2b of this excellent, easy-to-understand article from the University of Toronto on figuring out when you need “the” and when you don’t 
    • X, WHICH SPECIFIC results you’re talking about will be clear to readers because your “shown in Table 2 and 3” phrase DEFINES it—so “the” needs to precede “results.” Point to remember: A DEFINING modifier requires “the”; a DESCRIBING modifier doesn’t.
  • Are you talking about a new technology that BOTH YOU AND YOUR READERS ALREADY KNOW ABOUT (because you’ve already introduced it)? Or are you talking about new technology IN GENERAL? Don't you therefore need “the” here? (For more information, see the first question on this “Writing Advice” page from the University of Toronto or, for an even clearer explanation, pp. 121–126 of Hilary Glasman-Deal's OUTSTANDING Science Research Writing for Native and Non-Native Speakers of English, Second Edition
    • X, have you previously mentioned these specific researchers (so that both you and your readers already know which specific researchers you're talking about here)? Or is this your initial introduction of these researchers to readers? (Therefore, according to Science Research Writing, pp. 50-55, therefore, do you need to use “the” here?)
    • Have you previously mentioned the idea of/defined what you mean by “abundant benefits” for your readers? Or is this your initial introduction of this general topic to your readers? (According to Science Research Writing, pp. 50-55, therefore, do you need an article here?)
    • You’re expecting your readers to know which specific company you mean (i.e. whatever employee the company works at), so you need to use “the” to mark that you're talking about something specific that both you and your reader know about (See SRW, pp. 53-54 or #2b here for more information)
    • Are you talking about a new technology that BOTH YOU AND YOUR READERS ALREADY KNOW ABOUT (because you’ve already introduced it)? If not, shouldn't this be "A," not "The"?
  • As you'll see if you ask ChatGPT to copyedit this sentence, in English, there's one word that basically always precedes "United States" (or "U.S." or "U.S.A" or "United Kingdom" or "U.K" or "United Arab Emirates". . . .and other countries and organizations that begin with the word "united.") that you missed in your self-introduction above. . . .can you figure out via ChatGPT what that word is? (FYI: Basically the only time this word doesn't precede these places and organizations beginning with "united" are when the place/organization is being used as an adjective instead of a noun.)
    • X, if you check in COCA, you'll see that when the word “Internet” is used as a noun, it's preceded by “the” (because there's only one, so your readers will know exactly which Internet you're referring to) – Make sense?
    • X, should you say "at THE PwC" or just "at PwC"? 😉 (To find out, see https://www.pwc.com/us/en/about-us.html—also, after the career fair, let's plan on talking together about how generally you can figure out when to use "the" with names vs. when not to 🤗)
  • Here “its” would be clearer than “the”—can you figure out why? 
  • “The” or “their”? (Do both you AND your readers KNOW for sure WHICH unimaginable harm you’re talking about?)
  • Can you think of any alternative for "of" for at least one of these phrases, maybe verifying your proposed replacement by searching it in Google (inside quotation marks)? Because readers use one prepositional phrase to interpret the next phrase, multiple phrases beginning with the same preposition (e.g., "of") can be hard for readers to interpret.
  • Check your end-of-sentence punctuation here

Assignment-Specific Feedback

Reflection Video

ESL 111 Reflection Video #1 Prompt Options:
ESL 112 Reflection Video #1 Prompt Options:
Positive Writing Experience
Biggest Differences between Writing at Home vs. in the US
Greatest Weakness in Writing Habits
Future Career

Positive Writing Experience
Biggest Differences between Writing at Home vs. in the US
Greatest Weakness in Writing Habits
Future Career

Idea Development

Clarity of languageVocabulary/Phrasing
Overall Pronunciation
Eye Contact
Gestures & Body Language
  • I realize I told you this video does not need to look professional, but as a viewer, I found myself VERY distracted by its shakiness (probably due to you holding your phone in your hand while recording?). I recommend for your future videos is that you stabilize your videocamera by setting it against a pile of books, etc.—make sense? 


(Working) thesis statement

Rough Outline


Compare/Contrast Essay

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Thesis Statement and Structure
    • Mostly good, but your thesis statement could have MORE CLEARLY indicated whether you think Hocevar’s/Baca's use of the rhetorical appeals was OVERALL effective or ineffective—make sense? (=9)
Paragraph Structure
Paragraph Development
  • Especially because your essay very accurately identifies Hocevar’s strengths AND weaknesses in terms of each of the rhetorical appeals, it would have been helpful if you had ended each paragraph by “evaluating whether that appeal was [OVERALL] effective or not in persuading the article’s audience to adopt the author’s viewpoint”—make sense? (I’m afraid whether or not you thought Hocevar’s use of pathos was particularly unclear  😭) 
Quality of Evaluation

Argumentative Essay

Problem Analysis Essay

Evaluating Preferred Topics
Thesis Statement
Source Selection

Annotated Bibliography

Research Paper

Source Selection
Thesis Statement
Paragraph Structure and Development
Source Synthesis

Intro to Academic Research

Step 1: Primary research article submission

Find and submit 3-5 published primary research articles (e.g., IMRD) from journals in your discipline. The articles should be…

Choose articles that you would consider “typical” for your specific field of study. You can access full texts of the articles by downloading the PDFs from the University of Illinois Library database. 

Out of these articles, select one that you would like to use for the Assignment: Introduction to Academic Research. Indicate your selection in the Comments section of this assignment.

Points: 10

Step 2: IMRD Article Analysis

After reviewing 3-5 articles in terms of their general structure and organizational patterns (e.g., IMRD), choose one of your articles, which you believe is representative of your discipline, and complete the IMRD Article Analysis Template (DOC). Refer to IMRD Article Analysis Sample (DOC).

Points: 50





Thesis and Structure

Secondary Research


Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph #1: What is the proposed solution?

Paragraph #2: What are the proposed solution’s strengths?

Paragraph #3: What are the proposed solution’s weaknesses?

Paragraph #4: What are your suggestions for improving the proposed solution? 

For example:

Paragraph #1: What is the proposed solution?

Paragraph #2: What are the proposed solution’s strengths?

Paragraph #3: What are the proposed solution’s weaknesses?

Paragraph #4: What are your suggestions for improving the proposed solution? 

Paragraph #1: What is the proposed solution?

Paragraph #2: What are the proposed solution’s strengths?

Paragraph #3: What are the proposed solution’s weaknesses?

Paragraph #4: What are your suggestions for improving the proposed solution? 




Choose a problem in a society (e.g., community, state, region) affecting a specific group or environment (e.g., an ethnic or cultural group, age or gender group, animal species, location). Identify and critique 2-3 solutions to the problem and make recommendations for future actions. Your critique and recommendation should be based on reliable sources.

I'm afraid to a large extent your research paper needs to be totally rewritten to meet our research paper's assignment guidelines. Let's plan on talking tomorrow about what happened and what you can do to actually meet our research paper assignment's basic topic guidelines. 

Elevator Pitch


Relevance of script content
Creativity of script content
Volume, Pace, & Tone of PitchVolume
Pace & Tone
Nonverbal Communication
Relevance of reflection
Supporting details
Clarity of languageScript Draft
Elevator Pitch Recording: Pronunciation
Elevator Pitch Recording: Phrasing
Elevator Pitch Recording: Grammar
FormattingScript Draft
Elevator Pitch Recording

Cover Letter



Paragraph structure & development

Paragraph structure
Paragraph structure and development

#2 is much easier to skim, the reader knows where your paragraph is going, and it’s easy for them to picture how you’ll bring value to the team!

Paragraph development

Knowledge about the company/position


Positive emphasis


Clarity of language


Return address
Inside address

AI disclosure

Email Templates


3+ Absences in ESL 111/112/115

Subject: Please be careful re: ESL 111 absences (3 absences already this semester!)

Dear X,

Missed you in ESL 111 today—I'm afraid you have now used 3 of ESL 111's total of 4 allowed absences, so I need to remind you that, per our course website's "First Day Handout," after 4 absences the following will happen:

Students with irregular attendance will receive official notice of course probation from the ESL Associate Director (i.e., ESL’s Executive Officer) and will be required to meet with their instructor to discuss their attendance. If attendance continues to be irregular after the notification, the ESL Associate Director, usually in consultation with the instructor and the dean of the student’s college, may determine that attendance is so irregular that scholarship is impaired and, therefore, the student cannot adequately fulfill the course requirement. The student may be required to withdraw from the course with a grade of Withdrawal or Failure. 

I REALLY don't want this to happen to you, as I don't want you to need to take ESL 111 again (and I'm sure you don't either!). Please let me know if there's anything you need help with!


Absent in ESL 508

Missed you in ESL 508 last night—just wanted to check in with you and make sure you're okay. (And also remind you that because ESL 508 meets only once per week, I'm afraid you're allowed only two absences before I am required to report you to my supervisor for "irregular attendance"—which of course I REALLY don't want to do!) Hoping you are okay!

Absent 1st day of class

Subject: Missed you in ESL 522 yesterday!

Dear X,

Missed you in ESL 522 yesterday—just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay. Can you let me know?

Hoping to see you in class Wednesday!


Replying to request for absence 1st day of class

Dear X,

Missed you in ESL 112 yesterday—I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. Hoping you feel better soon! 

As you'll see from our ESL 112 First Day Handout posted on our Canvas site under "Syllabus," I'm afraid that in almost all cases the University of Illinois ESL Program does not excuse absences (though as long as you have 4 absences or fewer—and FYI: 2 tardies = 1 absence—they impact your grade only VERY minimally). Fortunately for you, though, the ESL Program doesn't start counting absences until after the first week 😉

Please just catch up on any missed ESL 112 work as soon as possible. Hoping you get well soon and have a safe flight!


Request for Excused Absence

Dear X,

I understand but I'm afraid that, in almost all cases, the University of Illinois ESL Program does not excuse absences (and FYI: 2 tardies = 1 absence). However, as long as you have 4 absences or fewer, they impact your grade only very minimally. Nevertheless, please do keep careful track of your absences because/Yesterday was your 4th absence this semester, so you have now used 4 of these 4 allowed absence, so I need to remind you that, per our ESL 111 course website's "First Day Handout," after 4 absences the following will happen:

Students with irregular attendance will receive official notice of course probation from the ESL Associate Director (i.e., ESL’s Executive Officer) and will be required to meet with their instructor to discuss their attendance. If attendance continues to be irregular after the notification, the ESL Associate Director, usually in consultation with the instructor and the dean of the student’s college, may determine that attendance is so irregular that scholarship is impaired and, therefore, the student cannot adequately fulfill the course requirement. The student may be required to withdraw from the course with a grade of Withdrawal or Failure. 

Hope you feel better soon!


P.S. In case I do need to talk about this with my boss later, just want you to know I have gone ahead and noted in my records your emailed reason for today's absence.


Okay, but please be VERY careful about attending class (on time!) from now on—I'm afraid you're only one tardy away from me having to report you to my supervisor for irregular attendance 🙁 

Where are you?

Dear X,

Where are you? I'm in my office waiting for you, so we can discuss your ESL 112 research paper during our individual conference appointment scheduled for today from 12:50–1:15 pm. I really do want to meet to help you improve your paper before you submit your final draft, so if you can't meet now, let's plan on rescheduling this appointment during class today—thanks!


Missed you at our research paper individual conference appointment today

Dear X,

Missed you at our research paper individual conference appointment scheduled for today from 2:05–2:30 pm—I really do want to meet to discuss how you can improve your paper before you submit your final draft, so let's plan on rescheduling this appointment during class today. Thanks!


Replying to request for emergency Zoom office hours

Dear X,

For now I need to continue grading while I still have brain power to do so, but if you want to meet on Zoom tonight at 9 pm (for 20 minutes only!) so you can ask me SPECIFIC questions about your paper, I can do that. (It's not fair for you or any other student to ask me just to "check your paper" because I don't have time to do the same for all my other 27 ESL 112 students. However, I am happy to answer as many SPECIFIC questions you have for me about your paper tonight that I can in 20 minutes—make sense? 😉

Here's my Zoom meeting info:




Assignment Feedback

Final Draft

Dear X,

Please find my feedback on the final draft of your Compare/Contrast Essay attached. I've also highlighted a few remaining minor grammar/phrasing/spelling/punctuation errors you might want to check out via ChatGPT 😉 


P.S. Great job including not only clear ARGUMENTS for your position in your Compare/Contrast Essay, but also clear COUNTERARGUMENTS against the opposite point of view! Because your Compare/Contrast Essay already shows all the features of a strong Argumentative Essay, I anticipate your Argumentative Essay will be equally strong and I'm looking forward to reading it! 🤗 

Second Draft

Dear X,

Our Problem Analysis Essay rubric that I will use to grade your final draft provides an outstanding description of what defines strong vs. weak Problem Analysis Essays. Therefore, please (1) review my rubric comments (including tentative final draft grade for several criteria) as well as any comments I have made on your draft itself and (2) prepare 1–3 specific questions you want to ask during our 20-minute individual conference so your Problem Analysis Essay final draft is the best it can be! Please also be careful to arrive on time to our scheduled individual conference so we can discuss all your Problem Analysis Essay questions (and hopefully also any other questions you may have)—thanks!


P.S. Finally, please remember that because of our individual conferences, there will be NO regular class today, February 19th, or Friday, February 23rd 😉

Need Writers Workshop appointment ASAP

Dear X,

I have just checked the 2nd draft of your research paper and I'm very worried your final draft may not receive a passing grade primarily because your 2nd draft is FAR shorter than the 5–7 pages required by our ESL 112 Research Paper Assignment Prompt and it also currently includes ZERO source synthesis 😭

Please consider signing up for a Writers Workshop appointment ASAP to get help in strengthening these weak areas! (I really want to be able to give you a good grade on the final draft of your research paper!!!)


Overuse of generative AI


Dear X, 

It appears you have overused ChatGPT (or DeepL or other generative AI tools?) in ways that are not helping you grow as a writer and have hurt the quality of your writing, so let's plan on discussing appropriate vs. inappropriate uses of AI for supporting YOU growing as a writer and making sure you don't get in trouble for an academic integrity violation. 

Also, please prepare 1–3 specific questions you want to ask me during our 20-minute individual Problem Analysis Essay conference this afternoon so you can rewrite/revise your Problem Analysis Essay to get the best possible final draft grade—thanks!



Dear X,

It appears you have overused ChatGPT (or DeepL or other generative AI tools?) in ways that are not helping you grow as a writer and have hurt the quality of your writing, so please apply for the rest of our ESL 112 assignment what we discussed during our individual conference about appropriate vs. inappropriate uses of AI for supporting YOU growing as a writer (and making sure you don't get in trouble for an academic integrity violation).


Minimal plagiarism in final draft

Subject: Need to fix structural plagiarism in the final draft of your research paper ASAP!

Dear X,

I see you have improved the final draft of your research paper in several ways, but I'm afraid it has two sentences that, although you did cite them, are inadequately paraphrased so that technically I should report this to the University of Illinois FAIR system as a plagiarism academic integrity violation!!! 😭 I REALLY don't want to have to do this, so please re-paraphrase the phrases I have highlighted orange in my feedback on your research paper ASAP by (1) starting with a different piece of information than the original source and (2) substituting words and/or changing their grammatical part of speech category (you don't need to fix anything else). Please revise and resubmit your corrected final draft ASAP today so we can both avoid needing to deal with the FAIR system about this!




Dear X,

I'm afraid it looks like you’ve cited ONLY the sources you QUOTED (but not those you’ve paraphrased)—this is a BIG problem because it suggests YOU are the source of your paraphrased info! Technically, I should report this to the University of Illinois FAIR system (See the Computer Science Department's description of FAIR) as the academic integrity violation plagiarism (defined by the University of Illinois’ academic integrity guidelines as “representing the words, work, or IDEAS of another as your own") a plagiarism academic integrity violation!!! 😭 

However, only this time I will instead ask you to please fix this and resubmit your Compare/Contrast Essay final draft TODAY. Thanks!



Dear X,

Overall, you did a GREAT job on your compare/contrast essay final draft, but I'm afraid it has two sentences that, although you did cite them, are/I'm afraid your compare/contrast essay final draft includes part of a sentence that is not only (1) inadequately paraphrased but also (2) not cited so that technically I should report this to the University of Illinois FAIR system as a plagiarism academic integrity violation!!! 😭 (See the Computer Science Department's description of FAIR

However, only this time I will instead ask you to re-paraphrase the highlighted phrases ASAP by (1) starting with a different piece of information than the original source and (2) substituting words and/or changing their grammatical part of speech category. 

Please fix this and resubmit your Compare/Contrast Essay final draft TODAY. Thanks!



Dear X,

I'm afraid your current compare/contrast final draft has a few phrases that you didn't paraphrase enough to avoid plagiarism (i.e., ≈ more than 3 words in a row exactly the same as the original source), so technically I should report you to the University of Illinois FAIR system for an academic integrity violation 😭

However, because I can see you TRIED to apply Paraphrasing Strategy #2: "add/subtract/substitute words," I have talked to my boss and she has agreed that instead of immediately reporting students to FAIR in such situations, I can instead just ask them to fix the problem sentence(s) and resubmit their final draft ASAP. Please paraphrase the highlighted sentences by starting with a different piece of information than the original source  (= Paraphrasing Strategy #1) and resubmit your Compare/Contrast Essay final draft TODAY. Thanks!


P.S. I realize that, in some cases, you CAN'T apply the "add/subtract/change words" paraphrasing strategy (= Paraphrasing Strategy #2), but almost always you can—and should—change the original phrase's order of information. (If you can't do even that, just quote the original author's exact words.) Make sense?


Dear X,

This is better, but remember that plagiarism is commonly defined as more than 3 words in a row (not including technical terms) the same as the original source. Therefore, although reorganizing the information is Step #1 to avoiding plagiarism, if you still have 3 or more words in a row the same as the original source, then you need also to replace with synonyms (and/or change grammatical part of speech for) as many words as you can without changing the original source's meaning. Can you please also do this Step #2 to avoiding plagiarism and then resubmit your Compare/Contrast Essay final draft one last time? Thanks! 


Submitted late


I'm afraid I have to give you a zero for this assignment because according to our First Day Handout's grading guidelines: 

Late submission of assignments will be penalized 10% for each day they are turned in beyond the due date (i.e., 1-24 hours late = 10% deduction; 25-48 hours late = 20% deduction). Assignments submitted more than 48 hours late will NOT be accepted.

However, to help you get the best grade possible on your final draft, please do still submit the first draft of your Compare/Contrast Essay as soon as possible and sign up ASAP to attend our individual Compare/Contrast Essay Feedback Appointment in my office that will substitute as attendance for BOTH this Wednesday's and Friday's classes. 



Dear X,

I'm so sorry, but you submitted this 11 days past its due date and according to our ESL 111 First Day Handout, "Late submission of assignments will be penalized 10% for each day they are turned in beyond the due date (i.e., 1-24 hours late = 10% deduction; 25-48 hours late = 20% deduction). Assignments submitted more than 48 hours late will NOT be accepted." 

Although this essay shows you do have some understanding of the rhetorical appeals, it also shows you have not yet mastered them. If it turns out you are not satisfied with your ESL 111 grade this semester, I highly recommend you plan on taking ESL 111 again next semester, being careful to attend regularly and completing all assignments on time as assigned—make sense?

Regardless, please do take time to rest and enjoy your winter break!


Never submitted, so please submit

Dear X,

I'm working on grading everyone's Compare/Contrast Essay final drafts—where is yours? I REALLY do not want to give you a zero for this assignment (that together with your Compare/Contrast Essay first draft counts as 20% of your ESL 111 final grade!) 😭 

What happened???


Never submitted, so 0%

Am working on grading everyone's beginning-of-semester reflective videos and I'm afraid you never submitted yours, so I'm sorry, but I have no choice except to give you a zero for this assignment 😭 

Failure to complete required revision/resubmission

Dear X,

I have talked with my direct boss (our ESL Undergraduate Course Specialist) and then with our ESL Associate Director regarding your and my discussion about your use of generative AI (ChatGPT?) for your September 25th draft of our Compare/Contrast Essay as well as about your not having rewritten and resubmitted another "first draft" by this past Monday's 11:59 pm late submission deadline that I gave you. I'm afraid that because you did not rewrite and resubmit your first draft as we discussed, your grade for the first draft of your Compare/Contrast Essay is 0% ☹️

From now on, please write your own assignments so you can grow as an English writer through our ESL 111 class and be well prepared for whatever English writing is required by your future university classes and future career!


Resubmitted earlier draft instead of final draft

Re: Please submit FINAL draft of rhetorical analysis essay within 24 hours 

Dear X,

I was working just now on grading your rhetorical analysis essay final draft and it looks like you accidentally resubmitted your FIRST draft of the rhetorical analysis essay instead of your FINAL draft—could you please fix this within 24 hours? Thanks!

I was working just now on grading everyone's rhetorical analysis essay final drafts. Can you please confirm within 24 hours (because my department’s internal deadline for instructors to submit our final grades is this Wednesday at noon) whether or not this is the FINAL draft of your rhetorical analysis essay because neither your filename nor anything else makes clear whether what you submitted is your final draft or an earlier draft, so I'm not sure—thanks!


MediaSpace video permissions error

Subject: Can't view reflective video due to permissions error 

Dear X,

Am (finally!) finishing up grading everyone's reflective videos, but I think you accidentally forgot the last step of this assignment: "Don't forget your video's permissions so I, as your teacher, am allowed to access your video to grade you!" 😉

Can you please fix this? Thanks!


Non-Word file format

Subject: Could you reupload your Critique Essay as a Microsoft Word doc?

Dear X,

I'm afraid that although your Critique Essay filename ends in .docx, my computer is identifying the file as a Pages document and when I tried to open the document in Microsoft Word, it failed to open. If you have Word, could you please save the document as a Word document and email it to me? Or do you have an option within Pages to save or export it as a Word document? (Or, if neither of those are possible, could you save it as a PDF?) Thanks!



PLEASE sign up ASAP for your research paper individual conference next week

Dear X,

Why have you not yet signed up for your Research Paper Individual Conference next week to be held in my Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Building 2019 (2nd floor) office? (Remember missing this conference counts as being absent for TWO ESL 112 classes!!! 😳) 

Please sign up for your research paper individual conference appointment with me ASAP!!!


Where is the 2nd draft of your ESL 112 Research Paper? 

Dear X,

I'm working on grading the 2nd draft of everyone's ESL 112 research papers—where is yours? ☹️


eText reading homework

Dear ESL 112 students,

We ran out of time in class today for me to mention your homework—for Participation & Homework points toward your final grade, please read our eText's "Chapter 25: Writing Concisely" and complete the associated exercises.

I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting each of you during our scheduled individual conferences this week—thanks!


Informal midterm grade—Failing

Dear X,

Although the University of Illinois does not officially require instructors to provide midterm grades after students' first semester, I wanted to let you know that because of your absences and missing coursework, your current grade for ESL 111 is an F (= 6.32%). At this point, my guess is that it is mathematically impossible for you to pass our ESL 111 class, so you may want to drop ESL 111 this semester and retake it next semester. 

Hoping you're okay!


Want to retake the Plagiarism Awareness Test?

Just want to recommend we discuss Monday during/after class whether or not you want to retake your Plagiarism Awareness Test based on your current score of 75–85% 🤗

Just want to recommend we discuss Monday during/after class your retaking the Plagiarism Awareness Test based on your current score of less than 75% 🤗 

Don't forget: ESL 112 meeting today at the Main Library!

Dear ESL 112 students,

Remember that our ESL 112 class will NOT meet today in our regular LCLB classroom—instead, please come to the Main Library at 1408 W. Gregory Drive and then follow these video instructions to our library classroom, Room 314.

Library Day is important because:

Therefore, before class today, please finish the following sections from Wednesday's Preliminary Research Guide" doc (for page 4's "Brainstorming Keywords" worksheet, I recommend using your notes from pages 2–3's "Speed Google"; "ChatGPT as a Brainstorming Tool"; and "Finding Key Words with ChatGPT" activities 😉):

[Embed images such as https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yklFxJKmtK7Wgc-VLkHzxS4kNeHpVdLt/view?usp=sharing and https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iJBj_znav2pEWlamhnedGySNIXO7cIaM/view?usp=sharing]

Looking forward to hopefully seeing everyone at the Main Library in just a few hours! 🤗


P.S. Here's a link to our University of Illinois ESL Library Guide 😉

Late feedback

Dear X,

I'm so sorry it took me SOOOOOO long to finish providing you feedback on the 2nd draft of your Problem Analysis Essay 😭😭😭. I've therefore extended your deadline for submitting the final draft of your Problem Analysis Essay to this Sunday, March 3rd, @ 11:59 pm—thanks for your patience with me!


ESL 112X FAIR allegation

Dear Susan,

Here's my FAIR case😭:

Student name: 

Student UIN: 

Student email: 

Course number & section: 

Date assignment was submitted: 

Description of the allegation: For several reasons, I suspect X had AI write the entirety of her research paper, not the least of which is that as far as I can tell from Googling, EVERY SINGLE ONE of her references appears fabricated, as I have not been able to locate via Googling her provided information 😭 

I have attached her paper as a Word document, including her apparently entirely fabricated sources 😭



Please complete our ESL 112 ICES evaluation if you haven't already 🤗 

Dear ESL 112 students:

If you didn't complete our ESL 112 ICES evaluation in class today, could you please do so as soon as possible? Thanks so much!


Final request: Please complete ESL 112 ICES if you haven't already

Dear ESL 112 students:

I'm SO sorry to bother you again, but if you haven't yet completed our ESL 112 ICES evaluation, could you PLEASE do so? 😭 (I'm afraid instructors are asked to obtain as high an ICES response rate as possible! 🤭)


Replying to post-semester grade change request 

Dear X,

Can you please let me know the specific rubric criteria regarding which you feel my grading of your argumentative essay final draft was unfair? Thanks!


Replying to reference request

Dear X,

Hmmmmm. . . .wouldn't it be better if your listed references for a department of chemistry scholarship were from the chemistry department vs. ESL 111? (However, if you can't get enough chemistry department references, you did well in our ESL 111 class, so yes, I am willing to serve as one of your references 😉)

Hope you're having a good semester!


Mandarin tone diacritics

ā ē ī ō ū ǖ

á é í ó ú ǘ

ǎ ě ǐ ǒ ǔ ǚ

à è ì ò ù ǜ

Campus Resource Class Visits

Writers Workshop Class Visit 

Introduction to Academic Writing I, targeted to first-semester international undergrads whose English Placement Test results indicated they would benefit more from ESL 111/112 vs. other University of Illinois "Composition I" classes

— On 10/25, our scheduled topic of discussion is how to write argument/counterargument/refutation, so any connections you can make to that would be welcome 

— On 10/30, our scheduled topic of discussion is documenting sources (specifically APA in-text citations and references), so any connections you can make to that would be welcome 

Subject: Requesting Speaking Center class visit to 2 sections of ESL 111 

Dear Speaking Center staff,

I would like to request a Speaking Center class visit to my two sections of ESL 111 (Introduction to Academic Writing I, targeted to first-semester international undergrads whose English Placement Test results indicated they would benefit more from ESL 111/112 vs. other University of Illinois "Composition I" classes) so that my students can hear how the Speaking Center can help them throughout their time at the University of Illinois (including maybe for internship and/or job interview practice?). Both of my ESL 111 sections meet in classroom G-13 (in the basement) of the Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Building (a.k.a. "Foreign Languages Building") MWF at 1 pm and 3 pm, respectively. 

If possible, could we please schedule these class visits during the week of November 13–17 (with earlier in the week probably being best in order to give my students maximum time to sign up for Speaking Center appointments before their Video Ad Rhetorical Analysis Presentations the remaining two weeks of class)? 

Thank you!


Subject: ESL 515 Library Day

Dear Piper,

 Amber asked that we send you a list of our ESL 515 students' majors—here's mine:

